
16th Annual Simon Kenton Chili Festival

Arts and Entertainment

August 28, 2023

From: Simon Kenton Chili Festival


7:00 a.m: Vendors and Cookers Set-Up and Welcome Tent Opens
8:00 a.m: Urbana Fire Department sounds horn for Cookers to begin
8:00 a.m: Salsa contestants can pick up their applications at the salsa booth at anytime at the salsa table at the court house steps or print one online ahead of time.
10:00 a.m: Set up complete.
10:30 a.m: Deadline for application and salsa to be turned in at the Salsa table at Court House
1:00 a.m - 6:00 p.m: Beer Garden Hours
11:00 a.m: Corn Hole Tournament sign up - Limit 32 teams
1:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m: Pepper Eating sign up - Limit 16 participants.****, Chew and Blow sign up   Limit 10 participants.
11:00 a.m: Judging begins for Salsa at Courthouse steps.
12:00 p.m: Hoopla Parade/Pet Parade begins.
12:00 p.m: People's Choice beads sale begins - $1.00 each at Welcome Tent
1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m: Children's area opens - Dunk Tank opens
1:30 p.m: Announce Salsa contest winners at Court House
1:30 p.m - 6:00 p.m: Musice with DJ

2:00 p.m: Chili contestants to turn in chili to the judging station (Masonic Temple)
Chili samples open to the public.
The Bull radio station begins live broadcast. (2:00-4:00)

2:00 p.m: Corn Hole Tournament begins, (behind the Beer Garden)
3:00 p.m: ****, Chew and Blow contest begins on Court House steps
People's Choice Balloting Ends - Containers Collected at Masonic Temple
3:30 p.m: Pepper Eating contest begins.
5:00 p.m: Announce winners of Chili Cook Off, Peoples Choice, Best Decorated Booth contest winners and Pepper Contest winners

Date: September 23, 2023

Lcoation: Downtown, Urbana, OH 43078

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