
Alameda Recreation And Park Department News - New Playground and Butterflies at Lincoln Park

Sports and Recreation

November 17, 2022

From: Alameda Recreation And Park Department

Lincoln Park Playground Structure Reopening Ceremony
Celebrate the Grand Reopening of the Lincoln Park Playground Structure!

3:30 PM
LINCOLN PARK (1450 High Street, Alameda) - Meet in front of the new play structure

We look forward to seeing you at the event and Welcome to the Lincoln Lions Jungle!


We are thrilled to report that there is a large cluster of Monarch butterflies (over 200!) in a large redwood tree at Lincoln Park.  The best time to see them is in the mornings then they leave to feed on nectar in local pollinator plants then return in the evenings.  They look like clusters of dead leaves since they look brown when closed due to the colder temperature.  Bring your binoculars!  There are also Monarchs at Franklin Park in a sequoia and redwood tree there.  And there are stands of eucalyptus at Corica Park where large groups of Monarchs generally come back each year.  Many thanks to Naturalist Susan Ramos of the East Bay Regional Park District who seeks out and counts the Monarchs in Alameda every year!

What can you do to help the Monarchs?

- Plant California native pollinator plants at your house that bloom early in winter/spring and in late fall.

- Limit or eliminate your use of pesticides.

- If you do plant milkweed, make sure it is California native. Other non-native varieties do more harm than good.  It’s even better to plant native flowering plants!

- There is a moratorium in California (per the CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife) to raise Monarchs at home, called captive rearing, and then release them. This affects their ability to develop strong wings that they need to migrate.  This moratorium will remain in effect until the population has increased.

- Interested in doing even more for Monarchs? You can get involved in a Citizen Science program to help collect data and information about them. 

- Want more resources and information? Check out the Zerces Society and Monarch Joint Venture