
Carpinteria Museum Marketplace-August 27, 2022

Arts and Entertainment

August 17, 2022

From: Carpinteria Valley Museum of History

Sixty-five vendor stalls will overflow with treasures and merchandise at the Museum Marketplace to be held this Saturday, August 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the grounds of the Carpinteria Valley Museum of History at 956 Maple Avenue.

This popular monthly fund-raiser features antiques, collectibles, hand-crafted gifts, gems & minerals, plants, and great bargains on gently used and vintage goods of every description, including jewelry, furniture, housewares, clothing, books, tools, toys, and much more!

Tax-deductible donations of items for the museum’s rummage tables are always appreciated and will be accepted any time prior to the day of the market.

For more information please call the museum at 684-3112. Admission to these fun, family flea markets is always free!