
Palouse Hills Weavers Guild 70th Anniversary Celebration at Artisans at the Dahmen Barn

Arts and Entertainment

September 26, 2023

From: Artisans at the Dahmen Barn

Artisans at the Dahmen barn in Uniontown will host an exhibit celebrating 70 years of the Palouse Hills Weavers Guild. In 1953, a new weaving guild came into being in the beautiful Palouse region of northern Idaho and southeastern Washington.

Pictured are a just a few examples of Textiles by some of the artisans.

Table Runner on a loom by Jan Keller- Jan Keller a Moscow resident has been weaving for 14 years on an antique loom. She Joined the weavers guild to get some hands on instruction and advice and has been weaving ever since.

Three dimensional work by Mary Lutz Veni Vedi Texeri, Mary weaves with color , texture and Whimsey.

Rug by Carol Levin, Carol started weaving ten years ago she specializes in custom kitchen textiles and Norwegian rugs.

Sarah Swett, In 1989 Shirley Medsker taught her to weave at the University of Idaho and suggested she turn her attention to tapestry. Sarah’s work now roams the world in books, magazines and exhibitions.

Scarf by Helen Bobisud, Helen’s work has appeared in in many weaver journals and has had pieces accepted in many juried shows in 2001 Helen had one of her scarves in in a juried show at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Austraila.

Work by over 15 weavers will be on display and for sale, dish towels table runners, scarves, baby blankets, rugs, and wall hangings.

The Palouse Weaver Guild has various activities include monthly meetings (September through May); shows and sales; demonstrations of handweaving and spinning at various regional venues; participation in the Latah County Fair; workshops; and an annual Day Camp. If you would like more information about the guild you can contact Jennifer Bogut at [email protected].

Date: October 1 to 29, 2023.

The exhibit opens October 1st with an opening reception from 1pm -3pm most members of the guild will be present to visit with guests.

Hours: Thursday through Sunday 10 am to 6pm.

Artisans at the Dahmen Barn
419 N. Park Way
Uniontown, WA 99179

For details https://www.artisanbarn.org/events-classes.php.