
Town of Highland Beach Weekly Newsflash - October 31, 2022

Government and Politics

November 2, 2022

From: Town of Highland Beach

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Town of Highland Beach! Help keep our trick or treaters safe by driving slowly, making sure your headlights are on, and being alert for children crossing the road.

Fire Station Pre-Construction

Thomas Geotechnical Services has been performing preliminary site work in Town Hall's rear parking lot since October 26th, boring into the sediment to gather soil core samples. This is an important step in the pre-construction process as these samples are necessary to determine the required depth of the foundation piles.

Public Meetings for Accessory Marine Facility Regulations

The Town will be holding three (3) meetings of equal content on November 9th, 10th, and December 7th, 2022, at 6:00pm in the Town Library. Amendment concepts include a maximum height for accessory marine facilities, maximum width for seawalls and docks, maximum encroachment into the water, modification to side setback requirements, a ladder requirement, etc.

Library Public Art Exhibit

Painters! Photographers! Quilters! Weavers! Collagers! Macrame-ers! Calling all Highland Beach residents and staff who create some form of art. If it can hang on a wall, you can display it in the Library’s art gallery during March and April 2023. If you are interested, note the dimensions and give the library a call at 561-278-5455 or email [email protected].

Town Entry Signage Design Contest

If you would like to enter your design in the Town Entry Signage Contest, you still have until February 10th to do so! You can submit an original or existing design by either dropping off a hard copy at Town Hall or via email to [email protected].

Movie Night - Little Women (2019)

Are you in need of a good movie night? Be sure to catch this 2019 Oscar winning flick at the library at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, November 1st. The library will also be hosting movie nights on November 15th and 29th.