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St. Mark's Episcopal Church

15 Pearl Street


St. Mark's is a caring parish family who comes together to grow in Christ and bring His love into the world. We are unified as a congregation, belonging one to the other, open and loving. We worship God in the Eucharist-centered Episcopal tradition.

St. Mark's is a center for ministry; encouraging, developing, supporting and celebrating parishioners' ministries within the Church and in the world. We are a diverse and unified group of parishioners highly committed to the services and support we provide to those in the greater Mystic area and beyond.

We achieve this together through inspiring worship services and music, our active Christian education programs for children, youth, and adults, and our varied outreach projects to the local, national, and global community.


St. Mark's is a steadily-growing diverse congregation, welcoming all people of our community, especially children, youth, and young families.

Our many outreach programs are a reflection of our congregation's commitment to serve others through generous giving of time, talents, and financial support.

Increased stewardship enables expansion of ministries to achieve our mission and the addition of staff necessary to support these ministries, as well as preservation of the church and grounds.

Our members are highly committed, participate energetically and follow through to achieve success in a broad range of programs and activities.

Our music program is inspiring; the choir is strong with increased depth of richness. Innovative music adds to the quality of our worship services.
