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Wrangell Chamber Of Commerce

107 Stikine Avenue


 -The mission of the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, Inc., shall be:

-To advance all of the business, professional, civic and cultural interests of the City of Wrangell as well as regional, state and national interests under the democratic system of free competitive enterprise:

-To encourage the growth of existing business activities while giving all proper assistance to any new firms or individuals seeking residence in Wrangell and its environs;

-To support activities believed to be beneficial to the community and its citizens and to oppose those which might be detrimental;

-To speak for the Chamber’s members in city, state and national legislative and governmental matters, while avoiding partisan politics;

-To encourage development of surrounding industrial properties;

-To cultivate alliance and business relationships with neighboring communities;

and in general to promote the welfare of all Wrangell area citizens, following always those policies intended to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number.

In order to best achieve these goals, the following by-laws have been adopted to govern the procedures and activities of the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and of its membership.
