
Alyce Cristina Vallejo : Be Vida - A Reflection And What's Brewing

Arts and Entertainment

September 24, 2022

From: Blumenthal Performing Arts

Happy September Friend! 

The air is crisp as we sit on the cusp of a changing season. How was your summer? What did it feel like? What did you hear? Where or what did you move, discover? Who did you become? As I sit in this moment of reflection of my summer and myself, these are the words that I hear: WILD, HIGHS, DARK, LIGHT, SPACE, LOVE, RAW, ME, BOLD, TRANSPARENT, CONNECTION, GRATITUDE, JOY, ABUNDANCE, POSSIBILITY, CLEAR, MESSY, FUN. While I haven't quite figured out how to make sense of it all and there is still so much to digest, I feel the magnitude of my choices, of what I've created and the great impact of it all deep in my body. Currently, I sit patiently, listening in and up for the essential lessons in the gifts of the experience. How do I articulate it and how do I share it all? 

I trust it is coming. 

For now though, I want to extend my gratitude to YOU. Your support, encouragement, and love is deeply felt and is a constant reminder to keep going. To keep sharing, to keep showing up and to keep creating! THANK YOU!

As the way of the world and life, we keep spinning and life is happening… I do my best to continuously align myself in the most empowered and heart centered ways to generate a life of artistic beauty, adventure, love, and connection. All while rooted in the tools in which I've learned and practice daily to restore myself to wholeness when the days seem long or my mind gets foggy (thank you mercury retrograde). ?

So in this moment, aligned with my desire to be of service and to partner with you in real, raw and transparent ways, here a peak at what's brewing in my world: 

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Lastly, you can find me this weekend on Sunday, 9/18 at Camp North End teaching in the Boiler Yard at 10 am for Counterculture Club. I'd love to flow and create community with you! 

Whether here or there, I look forward to seeing you in the fall season to harvest the next scared steps of life's adventures. To share, connect, embody and embrace the magic that lives within and the magic that lies ahead with compassion and unconditional love.  

NOW is the time to tune in and up, What are you breathing life into?