
Ann Arbor Seeks A2ZERO Ambassadors to Partner for Environmental and Carbon Neutrality Goals

Government and Politics

August 16, 2022

From: City Of Ann Arbor

August 15, 2022 - ?The City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) is accepting applications for its next group of A2ZERO Ambassadors, which will begin in November 2022. The A2ZERO program provides insights, connections, collaboration opportunities and information for individuals interested in helping the City of Ann Arbor achieve a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030. The A2ZERO Ambassadors program, modeled after the seven strategies of the ambitious A2ZERO Carbon Neutrality Plan, lasts approximately 12 weeks and covers:  

-Equity and environmental justice.

-Community sustainability, climate change and climate action.

-Energy efficiency, beneficial?electrification and renewable energy.

-Water efficiency, water quality, stormwater and the local watershed.

-Transportation and choices to move around the community.?

-Achieving a circular economy: waste reduction, composting, recycling, sustainable purchasing and material reuse.

-Local food: how to grow it, eat it and find it.

-Personal and community resilience and emergency preparedness.

-Tying it all together: A2ZERO and You.?

In addition to coursework, ambassadors will complete a sustainability-related project and are expected to commit to volunteering for at least 20 hours over the 12 weeks to inspire change in the community.? Roughly 30 applicants will be selected for this ambassador group, the fourth group since ?the program started.  Volunteers interested in helping with sustainability-related efforts and activities can apply at https://forms.office.com/g/3qTaQbUX7D. The deadline to apply is Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.

"I loved my experience in the A2ZERO Ambassadors program because I learned about both the technical and social aspects of city-wide carbon neutrality," said Lunia Oriol, an A2ZERO ambassador. “I also met like-minded people in my community who are driven to create positive change; and through this program, we are all able to stay connected through get togethers and long-term sustainability projects, we as ambassadors lead and manage."

“If you're wondering what you, as an individual, can do, there are many opportunities to be had through the A2ZERO Ambassador program," said Cecelia Trudeau, an A2ZERO ambassador.?“Resources and support are available to help and motivate you to learn, change and impact our community!"  

“I am proud to be an ambassador of our city's bold, forward-thinking carbon neutrality plan," said Bridget Gruber, an A2ZERO Ambassador. “Ann Arbor recognizes the urgency with which we must reduce GHG emissions in a just and equitable way and?is taking?aggressive action with the A2ZERO Plan. The A2ZERO Ambassador training program was enlightening; I learned so much from local experts (on topics like?waste, water and transportation) and about how my family and my neighborhood fit into the plan. Moreover, the community-building benefits and exchange of ideas that came out of the program cannot be overstated."

“My experience with the program has been so rewarding. One of the things that I have craved was connecting with others that were curious and motivated to act on climate and environmental change," said Pricilla Papias, an A2ZERO ambassador. “Through this experience, I have connected with people with rich and diverse environmental experiences and stories and find myself learning more about?my?own environmental?story and expanding my understanding of all the possibilities within environmental?innovation. Apply, and see where this experience can take you!"

For more information about A2ZERO Ambassadors, visit the City of Ann Arbor OSI website at www.a2gov.org/a2zero or contact OSI Director Missy Stultsat [email protected]. Applications may be submitted through Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.