
ARTFARM - Thanksgiving Meditation, Student Injured

Arts and Entertainment

November 16, 2022


Meditation for World Peace

Hi, Friends.

For 8 years, inspired by suffering and loving interconnection, we have hosted a 

Meditation for World Peace on Thanksgiving morning.

We have been gathering annually taking thirty minutes out of our busy lives to be together to generate hope and light in a world that is struggling to find its way.

We would like to invite you to join us once again- 

and weather permitting, 


Guida's Conservation Area 

301 Round Hill Road in Midddletown

Meditation for World Peace     

Thanksgiving Morning        

(yes, thanksgiving)

from 10am-10:30am EST

We will gather at 10am, take 5 minutes to speak a few words, hear a prayer or two – then we will WALK/Meditate for 10-15 minutes- focusing on an end to suffering and world peace, then hear a word or prayer…

Then back we go to our Thanksgiving preparations... whatever that may mean for each of us in these times.

30 minutes. Focusing our Collective Consciousness…in a world where there is so much suffering- and we have so much.

Dress for the weather & wear good outdoor shoes, as we will be in a grassy field. 

Please park in the small lot, & meet us in the field. 

If you cannot join us, feel free to pause at this time, wherever you are!

This is Inter-Faith. We will have leaders from different spiritual backgrounds.

Please join us. Your kindness matters. Feel free to share this email.   Marcella


Link to my website

19 year old, Ivan Lazaro, one of our theater students, was involved in a car accident on November 2nd, leaving him in the ICU. He has severe injuries and has a long recovery ahead. Please consider donating to help towards his medical expenses, as they will be substantial after his long stay and multiple surgeries. Ivan's father has passed, and Ivan is co-breadwinner with his mom (who is from Tanzania) for he, his mom & little sister. He was sitting at a stop sign when the unthinkable happened. Consider helping, if you can.