
Arts Foundation Of Cape Cod News - January 2, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

January 3, 2024

From: Arts Foundation of Cape Cod

Dear Friend of the Arts Foundation,

Can you hear it? Can you feel the energy and the love?

It’s our standing ovation — for YOU!

You have brought a sense of belonging, connection, and sheer joy to children throughout Cape Cod because you believe in the enduring power of the arts.

For every child performing on stage for the first time (and bravely facing those opening night jitters!) to an awe-inspiring chorus of Cape middle-schoolers singing with seniors impacted by Alzheimer's (and providing them with much-needed comfort and smiles), your belief in the creative spirit fortifies our hearts and our community.

Through your support of the Arts Foundation, our region's children are given the opportunity to grow, to dream big, and to flourish!

Yes, I want to make a year-end donation to the Arts Foundation!

As we near the end of 2023, you can help local children reach for the stars with a gift today.

Through AFCC Access and our grants program, your donation provides a pathway to the arts for thousands of kids on Cape Cod, regardless of their background.

From Bourne to Provincetown, and everywhere in between — YOU make the impossible possible!

“We’re very, very grateful for this grant. It’s not only the funding, but the support we feel. I really love the welcome, open arms the Arts Foundation has for the theatre.”
Kate Pazakis, Artistic Director, Harwich Junior Theatre, AFCC Grant Recipient

Thank you for Standing with the Arts and understanding the important role arts and culture plays not only in our lives, but in our communities, in our schools, and with the next generation.

On behalf of the AFCC, we wish you a safe and happy New Year filled with an abundance of arts, culture, and the creative!

With gratitude,

Julie Wake
Executive Director

P.S. Please send your tax-deductible gift before midnight, December 31st, to help ensure arts and culture are accessible to EVERYONE on Cape Cod.

Make a gift to the Arts Foundation!