
Bayou Vermilion District's Vermilionville: Events, Lunch, Music and More!

Arts and Entertainment

May 11, 2023

From: Bayou Vermilion District

Music Schedule

Le Bal du Dimanche
Come dance at Vermilionville! Bayou Vermilion District & Vermilionville host live music, EVERY SUNDAY from 1-4 p.m. THIS SUNDAY, JOHN WILSON & THE ZYDECO HOUSE rOCKERS.  Admission is only $10, FREE for Vermilionville members, and includes a self-guided tour of the living history museum. AND -- THIS IS NEW -- if you attend the Zydeco Dance Lessons at 11 AM at Wildcat Brothers Distillery in Gator Cove, show your wristband in the Visitors Center for $2 off admission! Learn the moves, then come to Vermilionville to show 'em off!!

Come early and grab lunch at Vermilionville’s restaurant -- open from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and features an all-you-can-eat buffet on Sundays. Admission to the Sunday Dance is included in your Bayou Vermilion District & Vermilionville membership. To purchase or renew your membership online, visit this link: CLICK HERE.

CFMA Cajun Jam this Saturday
Vermilionville’s weekly Cajun Jam is led by some of the area’s finest musicians. The free jam is held in the Performance Center of Vermilionville Living Museum & Folklife Park and is open to all skill levels-beginner to professional. This week's jam will be led by JACE GOULAS & BRAZOS HUVAL. Come on out, bring your instrument if you play, or just enjoy some of the best Cajun music around!

Admission is free but does not include entry to the park. Special thanks to the Cajun French Music Association for sponsoring our weekly jams!

Creole Culture Day June 11
Every year, Vermilionville celebrates the cultures of Acadiana that have contributed so much to our unique folklife. Come to Vermilionville June 11, 2023, 10 AM – 5 PM for our 21st Annual Créole Culture Day event! On this day we recognize and honor our region’s Créole heritage. So much of our food, tradition, and music come to our region from the Créole culture, and we’re proud to demonstrate and celebrate its many contributions to our contemporary folklife.

With our partners at Créole Inc, and support from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Lafayette Consolidated Government, and the Bayou Vermilion District, this year’s celebration of the Créole culture and history is an event not to be missed.  We’ll have food, music, history, crafts, dance, art and many other fascinating parts of the Créole story in our festival area and spread through our historic village. Featured artists and performers include Louisiana Poet Laureate Johnathan Mayers sharing his writing and poetry, and Joe Hall talking with guests about the origins and evolution of Creole and Zydeco music – plus musical performances from Herb Green, Cedryl Ballou and the Zydeco Trendsetters, Donna Angelle and the Zydeco Posse, and more. There will be cooking demonstrations from Sweet Envie, our own Ms. Delores, and a wine making demonstration by Mr. Paul Cluse.

The 2023 recipient of the Richard Catalon Jr. Créole Heritage Award will be announced and honored as well during our celebration with a ceremony at 1 PM. The Créole Heritage Award honors individuals who actively promote and advance Creole heritage and culture.

Food and beverage will be available for purchase.  Admission is free. For more information call 337-233-4077 or visit our website, Vermilionville.org, or the Vermilionville Facebook page.

Get Ready for Brew Haha!
We've rescheduled our Acadiana Brew HaHa for July 15 so we can offer the bolder, more vibrant beer fest you're thirsty for! Beer tastings, demonstrations, workshop, presentations, all this plus music, food, and did we mention beer??
Acadiana Brew HaHa, July 15, 10 AM - 4 PM at Vermilionville!

Summer Camp Registration is ON!
If you haven't done it yet, it is TIME to sign your kids up for Vermilionville Summer Camp, coming in June and July. Spots are filling up, and we don't want your family to miss out! We'll have two English sessions in June and two French sessions in July, each Monday - Friday, ages 5 -8 and 9 - 12. Registration is open now, here's a link for dates, details and sign up: https://bayouvermiliondistrict.org/summer-camp-2023/ Don't wait, sign up for your kids' week now!