
Board of Health notification : The Breakdown of COVID-19 Cases in Bellingham

Health and Fitness

July 1, 2022

From: Town Of Bellingham

Latest Bellingham COVID-19 cases as of Thuraday, June 30, 2022. These numbers will be reported on Monday's and Thursdays only, unless there is a significant increase or event that warrants daily reporting. 

Tested - Number Not Available through the State System at this time.  Will update as soon as information is provided  

As many of you may know, the way COVID deaths are being counted has changed. Instead of counting a death as being attributed to COVID within 60 days of diagnosis, it is now being counted as attributed to COVID within 30 days of the COVID diagnosis. As a result, we now have 11 deaths attributed to COVID. Please share this information with those that may be interested.

The system has been updated again and we have had a number of cases revoked. This happens in the case of false positives and also when residents move (05/31/22).   Confirmed/Probable - 4291

Active Confirmed - 16

Active Probable -2

Recovered - 4262 - 99%

Deaths - 11

The way COVID deaths are being counted has changed. Instead of counting a death as being attributed to COVID within 60 days of diagnosis, it is now being counted as attributed to COVID within 30 days of the COVID diagnosis. As a result, we now have 11 deaths attributed to COVID.

For more information regarding vaccination numbers for the town, please go to;  https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-covid-19-vaccination-data-and-updates

Email any questions regarding COVID19 to [email protected]

The identity of these individuals cannot be released. Public health officials will identify contacts of the case-patients and will notify these individuals of their exposure so that they will take protective measures

We have received several phone calls and posts on our webpage regarding the process “What happens when someone tests positive”? When a person has tested positive their results automatically populate into MAVEN (Massachusetts Virtual Epidemiological Network) system, at which time a number of things are triggered…The Board of Health and our Public Health Nurse are notified automatically, at which time the person who has tested positive is contacted and interviewed.  Those who test positive are placed in isolation and monitored. Those possible exposed individuals are then identified and contacted by our Public Health Nurse or their Towns Nurse if they don’t live in Bellingham. They will be advised of the potential exposure and receive recommendations of what to do. In the case of exposure to the virus, individuals will be placed in quarantine for 14 days and be monitored for symptoms. This is the process that has been outlined by DPH and is being followed all over the state. Due to HIPAA requirements we are not allowed to release any additional information to the general public. Rest assured that someone is following up on all cases that are reported.

Practice social distancing by avoiding groups of people and keeping a distance of six feet from others; Avoid close contact with people who are sick; Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or longer, and use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available;  Cover coughs and sneezes, throw tissues away and wash your hands immediately afterward; And clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

More information on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers are available on the town’s webpage www.bellinghamma.org  This page also includes information on support services for residents and businesses and volunteer and donation opportunities, and it will be updated daily.  If you have questions that can’t be answered with online, please contact the Health Department at 508-657-2860.

The health and safety of residents and the community are the top priority of all town officials.  By working together and supporting each other we will meet this challenge.

To submit a question via email to the Local Emergency Management Team, please CLICK HERE