
Burnham Library News - September 5, 2023

Schools and Libraries

September 7, 2023

From: Burnham Library

Three Different Approaches to Meditation with Dr. Wendy Hurwitz

Did you know that meditation may help alleviate stress, improve clarity, and improve sleep? Meditation also induces the relaxation response, a state that promotes healing and wellness. Because there is no one size that fits all, three different types of meditation will be presented, and ways to augment their benefits. Alternatives to meditation will also be discussed. There will be opportunities for participants to try each method. Come learn about, experience, and see how it fits for you.

A graduate of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Hurwitz is a nationally recognized expert on stress and in the fields of Mind/Body Medicine and Energy Medicine. Dr. Hurwitz translates the latest and most sophisticated scientific research on stress and energy into practical, easyto-use techniques people can use to maintain and enhance vitality even under the most trying circumstances. Dr. Hurwitz has provided training for AT&T, Unilever, and the FDNY, and has been an invited guest speaker at the United Nations.

There is no charge for this program, but registration is required. RSVP online via our Event Calendar at www.burnhamlibrary.org.For more information, call the library at 860-354-6937 or visit our website.