
Cinema Arts Centre Community Newsletter - April 19,2024

Arts and Entertainment

April 27, 2024

From: Cinema Arts Centre

We Want to Know!

CLICK HERE to share your thoughts and experiences in our audience survey! The more feedback we get from our members and patrons, the more meaningful this data will be in helping us make decisions about programming and operations at YOUR independent community cinema. This survey closes on April 28. We are hoping to reach 3,000 recipients, and we have over 2,000 to go!

Leave your email address at the end of the survey for a chance to win PROGRAMMER FOR A DAY! You pick the movie and present it, with a guest list of 10 friends, free popcorn and soda and a red carpet photo opportunity for your group!

Remember, your feedback will make this survey data more meaningful! Please take our survey today, and invite your friends to join you.


Our Sky Room Cafe Includes Locally Brewed Beers

We have always prioritized supporting local businesses and local suppliers with our Sky Room Cafe food and beverage offerings. We are proud to be carrying two selections from Blind Bat Brewery in Centerport.

HELL GATE is malty and full-bodied with hints of coriander.

LONG ISLAND POTATO STOUT in brewed with organic potatoes grown by Restoration Farm in Old Bethpage. It's a dry stout with notes chocolate.

Remember to stop into the Sky Room Cafe when you see a movie, and enjoy one of our locally brewed beers, our organic popcorn, or any of our variety of snacks and beverages featuring several local options.

Our Next Crossing Party Lines Discussion:

TUE, May 21 · 7:00 PM EDT


RSVP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/crossing-party-lines-ny-long-island/events/300432384/


Abortion remains a deeply contentious issue in the United States marked by passionate discussions and fierce political battles. Proponents argue that women should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, including whether to terminate a pregnancy, citing issues of bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. They emphasize access to safe and legal abortion services to protect women's health and ensure equality. On the other hand, opponents view the issue in terms of the rights of the unborn baby, contending that life begins at conception and should be protected. They raise moral, ethical, and religious objections to abortion, advocating for legal restrictions and alternatives such as adoption.

At this meeting we will be discussing this issue, including:

  • Which side of this debate are you on?
  • What do folks on the “other side” not understand about your views on abortion?
  • Have you seen this debate shift over the years? If so, how?
  • Where do you draw the line between a “woman's right to choose” and the “rights of the unborn”?
  • What role, if any, should the government play in regulating abortion access?
  • Does the level of governmental or societal support for raising children impact your opinion of this issue?

And for those who are interested and involved in our Skill Building Club, you can also think of this topic in terms of Moral Foundations. And share with the group:

  • What moral foundations(s) hold weight for you in this debate?
  • What moral foundations(s) do you think hold weight for your opponents in this debate?
  • How do we balance the opposing values and concerns?


Join the Crossing Party Lines discussion and have a voice in our nation’s conversation! People of all views are welcomed, appreciated, and heard. Follow the conversation on our social media:

Advertise With Us!

Advertise on our screens or in this newsletter! We are currently accepting new and returning advertisers. Now is a great time to advertise with us, as our crowds are coming back to experience our programs in our revitalized space. CLICK HERE for details or contact [email protected].

CLICK HERE to review current sponsorship opportunities.