
City of Chandler Updates Historic Preservation Code

Government and Politics

May 18, 2023

From: City of Chandler

Chandler, AZ - The Chandler City Council recently adopted amendments to its existing historic preservation ordinance to include the following:

 - Decreased the minimum number of consenting property owners to form historic preservation districts from 90% to 60%. This reduction would better assist community members in reaching the required threshold to create a preservation district or landmark designation. Property owners who do not wish to be a part of the preservation district may choose to not participate and remain exempt from historic preservation rules.
 - Changed the annual maximum appointment of commissioners to five rather than two to maintain a quorum of the seven-member commission.
 - Added an option to document community support for Conservation Districts.
The Council also established a set of general design guidelines that would universally apply to all historic preservation districts and landmarks. These guidelines would be based largely on the guidelines and standards for historic preservation that were developed by the Secretary of the Interior as well as staff’s innovative ideas and best practices from other municipalities.

These guidelines were written to be easily understood by historic property owners and relate only to the exterior of historic properties. The goals of the design guidelines are to maintain the integrity of designated historic properties and to provide both City staff and property owners guidance related to the general maintenance as well as recommendations to preserve, restore, rehabilitate, reconstruct or add to the exterior of historic properties.

The City Council initially adopted its historic preservation ordinance in late 2020. Last year, Southside Village was the first neighborhood to be designated a Historic Conservation District in Chandler.

Residents interested in exploring a historic preservation designation for their properties or neighborhood may contact Assistant Historic Preservation Officer Harley Mehlhorn at 480-782-3054 or [email protected].