
City Of Concord Launches $7 Million Nonprofit Grant Program

Government and Politics

October 3, 2022

From: City of Concord

The City of Concord has launched a $7 million grant program for the purpose of partnering with local nonprofit organizations to help the community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant application period opened on Sept. 30 and will run through Oct. 28 at 5 p.m. 

The grants will be awarded in amounts between $50,000 and $2 million, following an application review and interview process. The City Council is expected to award the grants on Dec. 6, 2022.  

Eligible organizations include those that are tax-exempt nonprofits, and provide projects or programs benefiting Concord residents.  

The $7 million comes from the total $27 million of one-time federal funding that the City of Concord received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA provides federal stimulus funds intended to address the ongoing economic recovery following substantial financial losses suffered during the pandemic. 

At its Sept. 27 meeting, the City Council received a report from the ad hoc committee responsible for making recommendations about how to allocate the remaining $19 million of Concord's funding; $8 million was previously spent on pandemic recovery efforts.  

In addition to the nonprofit grant program, Council approved the following allocations:  

- $7 million: City Projects, Public Safety and Special Events
- $3 million: Support for the Unhoused
- $2 million: Support for Small Businesses (grant application period to open in November)

Eligibility information and the grant application are now available on City's ARPA web page.