
City of Manteca - Improving California's Future Through Organics Recycling

Government and Politics

August 23, 2022

From: City of Manteca

When organic materials such as food or yard waste end up in a landfill, they emit methane gas — a climate pollutant 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Separating organic waste from regular trash reduces waste buildup in landfills: the source of 20% of California's methane gas output.

California residents will soon see changes to the way we dispose of and recycle organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings. Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) is a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. It requires all California cities, including Manteca, to reduce organic material waste and rescue surplus food sources from commercial establishments. Surplus food will feed Californians facing food insecurity, instead of letting edible food go to waste.

The City is now asking residents to use their green waste bin to hold all organic food waste.

SB 1383 Trash Cans
Green Container - Organics: Food waste, yard waste, green waste, other organic materials
Blue Container - Recyclables: Bottles, cans, and plastic, paper and cardboard.
Brown Container - Trash: Limited to waste that is not organic or recyclable.
Businesses will now be required to recycle organics and food waste if there is more than 2 cubic yards of trash per week. Food service businesses will have to donate edible food to food recovery organizations, starting in 2024.

During this period of transition, we appreciate our community’s cooperation and dedication to Manteca's goal of creating a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Learn about organic waste and recycling on our Organic Waste webpage, or call (209) 456-8440 for more information.

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