
City of Newton News - Blueprint Newton: A Community-drawn Plan for a City’s Future

Government and Politics

March 2, 2023

From: City of Newton

Blueprint Newton: A community-drawn plan for a city’s future
Update to comprehensive plan will begin with community open house on March 9

Newton is undergoing a transformation. As entrepreneurs and developers increasingly choose to invest here, local government is directing resources toward infrastructure and service provision that will meet the needs of generations to come. Fostering strategic growth while maintaining authentic, small-town character isn’t something that just happens; it takes a blueprint to build a bright future.

Blueprint Newton is the City of Newton’s upcoming comprehensive plan—a policy and guiding document that outlines a vision to inspire citizens and visitors by renewing the commitments that define places of lasting value and opportunity. North Carolina General Statute 160D-501 requires local governments adopt and maintain a comprehensive or land use plan as a condition of adopting and applying zoning regulations. By statute, a comprehensive plan may address principles for growth and development, future land uses, public utilities and services, transportation, employment, public safety, recreation, housing, open spaces, and protection of natural and cultural resources. During the next 15 to 20 years, Blueprint Newton will ensure Newton’s growth aligns with local priorities and advances in an orderly manner, while satisfying statutory requirements.

Community involvement is essential to the success of Blueprint Newton. Citizens are invited to begin sharing their thoughts and ideas during an open house from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 9, at Newton Fire Department Headquarters, 119 South Brady Ave. The open house will introduce the planning process and serve as an initial opportunity for citizens to provide input on what Newton should strive to become during the next 20 years. Experts in urban planning, public infrastructure, placemaking, and sustainability will be on hand to collect feedback and respond to questions. Light refreshments will be served.

Blueprint Newton is and will be a public document created by Newton’s citizens during frequent and numerous public encounters and interactions throughout 2023. Community involvement directly affects the goals outlined in the plan and the strategies for how to achieve those goals. Over the course of the year, please visit www.newtonnc.gov/Blueprint to find updates and opportunities to offer feedback. Beginning March 8, an online dashboard will allow citizens to provide input remotely.

For more information, please call (828) 695-4266.