
City Of Sugar Land E-News - Let's get ready to Fight the Bite.

Government and Politics

August 25, 2022

From: City Of Sugar Land

There are a number of ways to stay protected against mosquito bites. This is specially  important for the elderly and children who are at high risk for disease if bitten by a mosquito carrying the West Nile virus.

Practicing the "Four Ds" is a good start.

Drain standing water where mosquitoes breed. Common breeding sites include old tires, flowerpots and clogged rain gutters.

Stay indoors at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.

Dress in long sleeves and long pants when you are outside.

Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

Mosquito control in Sugar Land requires participation on the part of both the City of Sugar Land and its residents.

Learn what you can do to make those mosquitoes buzz off!