
Cranbury Township Mayor's Update - February 28, 2023

Government and Politics

March 1, 2023

From: Cranbury Township

Dear Cranbury Residents,

At last night’s Township Committee meeting, we received an update from new library director Brooke Basista. Local organizations are encouraged to reserve the many meeting spaces for their events. The level of exciting programming in the new building is amazing and worth checking out at the library website. The Township memorialized an operating agreement with the library board to clarify operating, capital and maintenance responsibilities of the new municipal library building.

Traffic Safety. We had a resident speak to us during public comment about speeding in town and remind us about the “Cranbury Crawl” --- the way residents model our speed limits and encourage others to slow down and drive safely in our town.  Our police have regular speed zones and, at full staffing, our police force includes two members dedicated to the Traffic Safety Bureau, enforcing speed limits around town.  Residents are always invited to model posted speed limits in town and report traffic incidents via this form on the township website. Pedestrians are also encouraged to push the light when crossing one of our three new lighted crosswalks in town – it really works and is the safest way to cross. Also, look for a new crosswalk on Plainsboro Road at The Elms when Plainsboro Road is resurfaced this year.

Street Lights.  If you see a street light out, please report it via the methods PSE&G recommends – it’s the only way they’ll know the street light is not working. Having the pole number and nearest address/cross-street helps to expedite the repair.

Now, on to exciting events coming up:

This weekend - 25th Annual Craft Show!  Featuring more than 115 juried artisans and crafters, the show is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  If you’ve never attended, there truly is something for everyone and is a MUST attend! It is the Cranbury Education Foundation’s largest fundraiser of the year. Volunteers are still needed, email [email protected] to be a part of the solution.

This weekend - Gourgaud Gallery Exhibit.  While you are at the Craft Show, stop by the Gourgaud Gallery in Town Hall to see the artwork of many Cranbury School artists exhibited in the National Youth Art Month’s gallery opening.  The Gallery will be open on Saturday, March 4 from 1-3 p.m. The Gallery is free and open to the public during regular visitation hours, Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

March 9-11 - Cranbury School Musical: Mary Poppins, Jr.  The cast and crew of Mary Poppins, Jr! are hard at work preparing for their debut performances on March 9, 10 and 11!  The annual Seniors & Tots Dress Rehearsal performance is Thursday, March 9 at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Friday and Saturday night performances will be at 7:00 p.m.; $4 for students and $6 for adults.  

March 28 - New Neighbor’s Reception.  This fun annual event is returning now that the library has a new home and can welcome our newest neighbors into the new space. Register now if you’re a new resident, or feel free to pass this message on to a new resident who might not even be receiving this email news yet.

SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS. Nominations and applications are due April 14 for three Cranbury Lions Scholarships and one Award, all of which are available to students living in Cranbury. More info is at the Cranbury Lions Website. The deadline is April 30 for a $2,000 Woman’s Scholarship award, which is financially- and goal-based, for a woman returning to school after some time away and pursuing post-secondary education. Download the application on the Women's Club website.

Cranbury School is Turning 125 – join the celebration April 28-30!  Plans are in motion for a Dance for Alumni, Current and Former Parents, Staff and Residents on Friday, April 28 and a Community-Wide Daytime Celebration on April 30 featuring school tours, arts and crafts, food trucks, special performances and artifacts and photos about the school’s history. A fun feature of the community celebrations will be a “Hall of Memories” featuring submitted content from anyone who has a special memory of or a birthday wish for the Cranbury School. The district is asking people to submit their memories online via the district website by April 1 so they can be featured in the exhibit and in a video being produced for the event. The event website is www.cranburyschool.org/125

Cranbury School - Looking for old Grade 8 Class Photos: As part of the 125th school anniversary celebration at the end of April, they are compiling a display of old Grade 8 Class photos to showcase at the community event on April 30. We are missing some graduating class photographs. A listing can be found here.  If you or someone you know is a graduate of Cranbury School and you have a photo a year we are missing, please take a picture of it and email it to [email protected]. If you are local and can stop by with a hard copy of it, we can quickly make a copy of it. Thank you for your help!

April 29.  Town-wide Garage Sales.  Clean out those closets and get ready to shop for bargains at this fun annual event.  More details to follow.

May 7 – Tour de Cranbury and 1713 House celebration. Cranbury Troop 52B Life Scout Tyler Cenci is organizing a two-tier bike tour of our town as his Eagle Project; one route will be a 10-mile path around town, and the other will be an in-town route for families or beginners.  The event will feature bike safety and different “stations” around town, including events at the 1713 House in Millstone Park. 

Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year: If your child will be 5 years old by October 1 please complete an online registration for your child. In addition, be sure to notify Denise Marra at [email protected].

Spring is coming!

Michael Ferrante

Mayor, Cranbury Township