
Cranbury Township Mayor's Update - October 7, 2022

Government and Politics

October 10, 2022

From: Cranbury Township

Greetings! The weather has turned cooler and it is officially fall. Before we turn our attention to fall events, I hope you enjoyed your summer by participating in all that Cranbury has to offer. This summer a sense of normalcy returned to Cranbury -- recreation camp for children, Memorial Day parade on Main Street, fireworks in Village Park and an extremely successful Cranbury Day and Arts in the Park. Our Township Committee members always enjoy meeting and speaking with residents at town events and, when you attend, please come up and introduce yourself.

As more people are going out, traffic has returned to our roadways. Safety for all users, including bicyclists and pedestrians, is a high priority. Comments from residents on speeding and traffic are addressed by the Cranbury Township Committee traffic subcommittee and the Chief of Police. I want to assure you the police are being vigilant in their traffic patrols. They are rotating the temporary speed signs to locations experiencing traffic and making stops when necessary.

It is with sadness that I announce the passing of Officer Todd Galla. Officer Galla served our community with professionalism, courage and integrity as a Cranbury Police officer for over 20 years. He will be missed by family, friends, his fellow officers and in our community. 

Did you know?

Over 40% of Cranbury’s municipal land is classified as agricultural land. It is about 50% of the county’s entire agricultural land base.   I serve as a voting member on the Middlesex County Agricultural Development Board. The primary purpose of the CADB is to encourage and facilitate the preservation and stewardship of the County’s remaining farmland in the Farmland Preservation Program. This is done in accordance with County and State policies as well as sound planning principles. Farmland Preservation is achieved through purchasing development easements on farmland, thus placing deed restrictions on participating properties, forever prohibiting non-farm development. I am happy to report that we just passed the Farmland Preservation Plan element of the County Master Plan, the first update since 2008.

On Cranbury Day, nearly 200 residents signed a scroll that will greet residents in 25 years, in 2247, when residents will be celebrating Cranbury’s 350th anniversary. You can still sign the scroll at the Town Hall window. The scroll will be placed in a new time capsule in the newly constructed Cranbury Library. The greeting was the most popular item when the previous time capsule from 1977 was opened after 40 years this past July 4th .
Cranbury Township Committee and all board and commission meetings are back in person.  Attend live at Town Hall or watch via live stream on YouTube. You can find out when meetings are held by signing up for e-blasts or visiting the Township Calendar on the Township website. Please inform those unable to receive Township information electronically that paper copies of important notices can be picked up in Town Hall.   
The Cranbury School District invites residents who do not have children currently attending the school to subscribe for their news alerts/notifications. Keep up with the latest information on the status of school referendum projects, upcoming events like plays and concerts and the district budget or operations. View the latest pictures of the auxiliary gym construction by clicking here!
 “Coming Soon” signs have been posted for each of the businesses with signed leases in Cranbury Commons. I do not have any additional information about their official opening dates. Please be assured you will be the first to know!

Mark your calendars!

The Women’s Club is putting on their annual Candidates night via Zoom on October 11, at 7 pm. Join this community event to learn more about who is running for Township Committee.  
 Cranbury Arts Council is bringing back community theater! Auditions for A Christmas Carol will be held on October 10th and 12th at the Cranbury United Methodist Church. Find out more information on audition and performance dates.
Parents, it’s time for Cranbury School students to join community leaders in the Mayor’s Walk to School event on Weds, Oct 12th, 8 am at the Firehouse! Students will join over 2,000 communities nationwide to celebrate National Walk and Roll to School Day, learn pedestrian safety and enjoy the health benefits of walking.
The Senior Center in the Town Hall building is open! Lunches are served twice a month (Oct. 14 & 28) followed by a presentation. Register by calling Town Hall at 609-664-3140 to receive a yellow post card in the mail for each lunch event with a reminder to RSVP.
The Recreation Department offers many programs. Visit their website and find the list of programs and how to register. A Tai Chi program is being offered on Tues, 9:30-10:30am at St. David’s Church. The next 8-week program begins Oct. 11th .
Celebrate Cranbury’s 325th Anniversary! Join the Cranbury Historical & Preservation Society on October 29th, 7pm at the Cranbury Inn. Meet old & new friends for appetizers, drinks, and dessert while supporting the preservation efforts of CHPS. Tickets are available through the CHPS website.
Halloween, Oct. 31, is always a special day in Cranbury, especially on Main Street.   If you plan to "trick or treat" on Main Street, please be advised the road will remain open for traffic with additional police officers on duty. There will also be light towers for supplemental lighting if available from the county. Let's all enjoy a safe and festive evening!

I look forward to you seeing around town!

Barbara Rogers, Mayor