
EverWonder Children's Museum - Back to School

Arts and Entertainment

August 11, 2023

From: EverWonder Children's Museum

Back to School

We love summer and will miss our summer employees and campers, but fall is FUN and so much is going on!

EARLY DISMISSAL registrations are LIVE for the 2023-2024 school year. Spaces are limited. Each day, children can ride the bus straight to EverWonder and enjoy a snack break, participate in science experiments, and explore the museum, all guided by your favorite EverWonder staffers. Sign up now & tell your friends to join us for any Newtown early-dismissal days this year.
(*Note: we welcome children from ALL towns, but transportation is not included outside of Newtown)

We are also asking for your thoughts on running an AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM for regular dismissal days...

are you looking for daily afterschool care?

would you prefer only once a week enrichment?

what times would work best for your schedule?

Please fill out this brief survey so we can see how to
best fit your needs!

Lastly, EverWonder will be marching in Newtown's LABOR DAY PARADE again! If you would like to march with us, please let us know ASAP by sending us an email. Space is limited to only 10 children plus parents!!

Other upcoming events include the Newtown Arts Festival & our annual Spooktacular. Let us know what you want to see this fall in your new museum.

The EverWonder Staff