
Fort Walton Beach Library Newsletter - September 2022

Schools and Libraries

September 8, 2022

From: Fort Walton Beach Library

The library will be closed on September 5th for Labor Day.

National Suicide Prevention Week strives to reduce the stigma, as well as encourage mental health assistance and support for people who have attempted suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among people between the ages of 12–24. Veterans have double the suicide rate of non-veterans, and more active-duty soldiers die from suicide than in combat. Suicide rates for LGBTQ people are 3 times higher than national averages.

Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September to recognize the American labor movement. In 1894, Congress recognized the first Labor Day, with President Grover Cleveland signing it into law. Many fall activities, like school and sports, begin about this time. NCAA teams usually play their first games that weekend, and the NFL traditionally plays its kickoff game the Thursday following Labor Day.

National Hispanic Heritage Month (Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana) is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the US. September 15th is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence.

(via Wikipedia)

Banned Books Week celebrates the need to keep material publicly available so people can develop their own conclusions and opinions. It is intended to encourage readers to examine challenged literary works and to promote intellectual freedom in libraries, schools, and bookstores. Its goal is to teach the importance of our First Amendment rights and the power of literature and to draw attention to the danger that exists when restraints are imposed on the availability of information in a free society.
(via Wikipedia)

September is Library Card Sign-up Month! Signing up for a library card is the first step on the path to lifelong learning. Libraries play a crucial role in the education and development of children, offering programs to spark creativity and stimulate an interest in reading and learning. Through access to technology, media resources, and educational programs, a library card gives students the tools to succeed in the classroom and provides people of all ages opportunities to pursue their dreams, explore new passions and interests, and find their voice. This year, Tony Award-winning performer Idina Menzel and her sister, author and educator, Cara Mentzel, will serve as honorary chairs of Library Card Sign-Up Month. Idina and Cara are excited to remind everyone that one of the best places to find your voice is at the library. To learn more about the library’s resources and programs, please visit readokaloosa.org.

One Hopeful Place is a shelter for unaccompanied people experiencing homelessness. They've expanded to provide a building for women, a building for men, and a health clinic, and are in need of supplies. Donations will be accepted in a box near the front desk until  September 30.
For the full list of needed supplies, visit: https://onehopefulplace.org/donate

Lapsit is back! Classes are for preschool kids 0-3 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM. THEY ARE THE SAME CLASS AND YOU MAY ONLY REGISTER FOR ONE. Lapsit has stories, crafts, songs, and free play. Registration is required and begins on the first weekday of the month before. Register in person or by calling 850-833-9590 and speaking with Ms. Nancy or Ms. Meghan. For the month of September, we are allowing online registrations at https://live-okaloosa.pantheonsite.io/events/upcoming?branches%5B99%5D=99. The registration for October Lapsit classes starts on September 1st at 10 AM.

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