
GCS Receives National Awards for Communication

Schools and Libraries

July 20, 2023

From: Guilford County Schools

Greensboro, NC - The Guilford County Schools (GCS) District Relations Team earned top honors from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) for its work during the 2022-2023 school year.

Representatives from NSPRA formally recognized the district at its annual conference in St. Louis, Missouri this week. GCS earned 18 awards overall, including eight Awards of Excellence and one Golden Achievement Award. Golden Achievement Awards recognize exemplary work in all aspects of school public relations, communication, marketing and engagement.

“This team works tirelessly to tell the stories of Guilford County Schools and ensure parents are well informed,” Wanda Edwards, Executive Director of Communications and Community Engagement, said. “We are incredibly grateful to the National School Public Relations Association for recognizing this team.”  

“Strong communication is vitally important in every aspect of public education. I am so proud to work alongside this team because of the intentionality in supporting and elevating the great work of Guilford County Schools through storytelling that promotes engagement of students, staff, families and our community,” said Chief Communication Officer Dr. Tracey Lewis. “I am appreciative of this validation of the team’s hard and strategic work, and I’m excited about the team continuing to celebrate and lift up the best in GCS and public education.”

A few of the winning entries are as follows:  

 - Golden Achievement: GCS School Meals Task Force (pictured above with media relations specialist Gabrielle Brown)

 - Award of Excellence: How Succession Planning Can Help Close the Gender Gap for Superintendents

 - Award of Excellence: Preparing our Students for the World They Want to Live In - Annual Report 2021-22

 - Award of Excellence: GCS = Great Choices for Students Banner Ups

 - Award of Excellence: GCS Information Ambassador Newsletter

 - Award of Excellence: Are You the ONE (Our Next Educator) Recruitment Campaign

 - Award of Excellence: GCS Student Now a GCS Student Teacher

 - Award of Excellence: Employee of the Month - November 2022

 - Award of Excellence: Principal of the Year, Paul Travers

The school district’s communications team also received eight Awards of Merit and one Honorable Mention for writing, social media, video and newsletter publications.

To see the full list of awards and recipients, click here.