
Guilford County Schools Superintendent Announces Mental Health Support For Staff

Schools and Libraries

December 1, 2022

From: Guilford County Schools

Greensboro, N.C. – Superintendent Dr. Whitney Oakley announces Guilford County Schools (GCS) will use federal relief funds to provide mental health support to all GCS teachers and staff through a partnership with E-Therapy.

“During our Better Together community conversations, I have had the opportunity to meet with hundreds of our hardworking teachers and staff across our organization. A common theme in our discussions is the need for additional mental health support,” Oakley said.

The online and on-demand mental health support provided by E-Therapy uses a solution-focused strategy to help employees identify where they need assistance and provide them with evidence-based tools and strategies to meet those needs. Services are confidential, provide flexible appointments and are free for the remainder of this school year.

“The last few years have been some of the most difficult years in public education. Yet, our GCS teachers and staff have demonstrated a remarkable level of commitment and leadership throughout the pandemic and beyond,” Superintendent Oakley stated. “As a community, we must embrace those who give their very best every day so the children in our community can succeed. When we support our teachers and staff, we are supporting the future of our students and community.”

Additional mental health support for teachers and staff is part of a comprehensive district plan to improve learning outcomes and foster healthy and safe schools. The new services are in addition to the mental health support staff can access through their state health plan. GCS employees who wish to take advantage of this service have received instructions on how to do so in their emails.