
Historic Albany Foundation - Be Part of The Tool Library Team

Clubs and Organizations

July 21, 2022

From: Historic Albany Foundation

Volunteer  Make a Difference

The Tool Lending Library is moving along fast, and we need your help to make it a success. We are now looking for members to join the Tool Lending Library Volunteer Team.

See the details below, and if you're interested send us an email or call Kim (518-465-0876 ext.110) so we can add you to our volunteer list.
- Shifts will be 2 hours
- They will be on Saturdays (8.30-10.30 and/or 10.30-12.30 pm) or one day during the week (daytime or afternoon during the office's opening hours)
- We would ask that everyone volunteers 20 hours a year
- This can be all in one month or broken into 2-hour shifts throughout the year

All volunteers receive a complimentary annual membership to the Tool Lending Library 

I want to Help

The Tool Lending Library 

- Provide tools to make home maintenance and preservation more accessible to all 
- Empower people by teaching them skills 
- Create an active sharing economy and community
- Help the environment 
Learn more