
Homespun Holidays Craft Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

October 30, 2023

From: Homespun Holidays Craft Fair

All of your favorites from years past will be returning this year. The Kitchen Cupboard will be filled with homemade baked goods. The Kitchen will be offering delicious lunch and supper choices, and we are excited to announce that they will be offering sit down seating again this year. You will find our raffle table with a item from each Crafter, and possibly some extra items you never know what will appear on this table. We have a few of our regular Crafters returning from years past and last year. We are very excited to welcome many new Crafters this year with offering many items that we have never had before. For the first time in many years we will have Crafters upstairs AND downstairs in our Sunday School classrooms. As a remind some, but not all, of the Crafters accept credit cards. The Kitchen and Kitchen Cupboard are both cash and checks only.

Dates and Times:

November 10, 2023: 12:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m.
November 11, 2023: 9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.


First Congregational Church of Raynham,
785 South Main Street,
Raynham, MA 02767.

Click here for more information.