
Illuminate Film Festival Announcement!

Arts and Entertainment

October 5, 2023

From: Illuminate Film Festival

Thanks to the many of you who have welcomed me so warmly these past few months; it was a pleasure to meet some of you at our recent online screening of the riveting new documentary, We Are Guardians. Speaking with the filmmakers and hearing your questions and comments afterward further affirmed the power that films have to open our hearts and inspire enlighten action in our communities and the world.

With ILLUMINATE's 10th birthday on the horizon, we're excited to announce that we are relocating the Festival to Santa Barbara, California! The 2024 ILLUMINATE Film Festival will take place April 5-7 in-person, with opening night at the beautiful historic Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara, and April 8-14 online.

After much research and advice from industry consultants, our board determined that the Festival has reached a point in its growth that merits a larger city as its home base. Santa Barbara has a population ten times that of Sedona, an airport that is 15 minutes from downtown, and the Los Angeles film community is very close by. All of these realities will allow us to expand our accessibility and achieve much greater impact and increased industry participation.

Humanity finds itself at a critical crossroads with more at stake than ever before. There has never been a greater need for us to maximize the potential of media to transform both our inner and outer landscapes to ensure a healthier today and a thriving tomorrow.

ILLUMINATE 2024 will include our usual exceptional line-up of feature films and shorts, including exclusive preview screenings and premieres, filmmaker Q&As and panels, Reel Integration events, VIP receptions and parties, guided activities in nature, musical performances, yoga, tai chi, and more!

All Access 2024 Festival Passes go on sale for ILLUMINATE Members beginning on Oct.16th (at a generous discount!). Learn how to become an ILLUMINATE Member HERE.

And one more important announcement -- if you are conscious filmmaker or have friends who are, we would love to consider your work for inclusion in the Festival and are currently accepting film submissions.

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm for films that light the way forward. I look forward to staying in touch and having the opportunity to meet many of you in Santa Barbara next April!


PS. We hope to maintain an ILLUMINATE presence in Sedona with occasional events.