
Jack Straw - Please give by June 30th to support our programs for underservedyouth!

Arts and Entertainment

June 10, 2022

From: Jack Straw Productions

Please give what you can to help support our programs for underserved youth.

For over 25 years Jack Straw has had a special commitment to serving youth with disabilities, English Language Learners, students from low-income families, and other underserved populations. We have continued this work despite the many challenges of the past couple years, providing students with the tools to tell their own stories and capture them as art.

Give Now

I want to bring a red tulip

wherever I go

so I won’t be lonely.

The red tulip reminds me

of my mom

who gives me piggy back rides

when I visit

which fills me with happiness.

-Sherron, 2nd grade, Lowell Elementary School