
James Blackstone Memorial Library - Get to know : Friends of the Blackstone Library

Schools and Libraries

September 2, 2022

From: James Blackstone Memorial Library

Did You Know...?

The Blackstone Library generously receives most of its annual funding from the Town of Branford and we fundraise for the remaining balance each year, with appeals, fundraising events, and grants.

We also have an extra special group that we rely on: the Friends of the Blackstone Library.

The Friends help make special projects, programs, and events possible through activities they work hard on all year long.

The amazing (upcoming!) book sale on the Branford Green? It's entirely organized and executed by Friends volunteers!

They then use the proceeds from all of their activities (over $130,000 in the last 2 years alone!) to support the library – providing funding for extra technology, like the library's document scanning station; furniture for the library, like the new chairs and powered side tables in the main floor rotunda and new fish tank in the Children's department; plus special programs and events for all ages throughout the year – a quick glance at our calendar shows you all of the programs they sponsor.

The Friends rely on memberships and volunteers to keep up their support. By joining the Friends, you'll become a member of a great group of people, learning about volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved, and supporting this group that gives back so much to the library each year. Learn more about the Friends here: blackstonelibrary.org/friends

Becoming a member is easy and makes a big difference!

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