
Mayor To Attend Communities In Action: Building A Better Michigan White House Event

Government and Politics

October 13, 2022

From: City Of Ann Arbor

City of Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor is attending an in-person, half-day forum at the White House today titled, Communities in Action: Building a Better Michigan.

The event is part of a new series to hear from local elected officials and community leaders working to create opportunities and improve people's everyday lives in their communities. Those in attendance have been asked to highlight the Biden-Harris administration's investments and impacts in communities across Michigan.

“Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration, we're making historic investments to fight climate change, protect public health and water, improve street and sidewalk safety, expand affordable housing, and protect the integrity of our elections," said City of Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor. “I am delighted to share our stories of success at the White House and extend Ann Arbor's sincere gratitude to President Biden and Vice President Harris for their leadership."

Mayor Taylor will share examples of the local impact of the Biden-Harris administration's investment in the Ann Arbor community and the impact of this investment on city priorities including:   

- Fighting climate change: The Inflation Reduction Act includes up to $14,000 in tax rebates for investments in making homes more energy efficient, including solar panels, battery backup systems, heat pumps, electric appliances, and more. The City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovation is working with Ann Arbor residents to educate the community about tax benefits and facilitate investments in homes.

- Expanding affordable housing: The amount of federal support Ann Arbor receives for housing vouchers has increased by nearly 40% under the Biden-Harris administration, which has helped to house approximately 600 additional people and families in our community. In addition, the city is updating its affordable housing properties to weatherize them and install solar panels.

- Improving water infrastructure: Ann Arbor is using $2 million in ARPA funds to replace galvanized water service lines that may have once been connected to lead goosenecks, all of which have been replaced, but to ensure the safety of the water distribution system.

- Increasing election integrity: Ann Arbor is using $1 million in ARPA funds to help acquire and renovate a facility dedicated specifically to securely processing, counting and storing City of Ann Arbor ballots and election equipment.

- Implementing Vison Zero: Ann Arbor is using $2 million in ARPA funds for the Moving Together Toward Vision Zero transportation plan to end pedestrian deaths in Ann Arbor by making roadways, sidewalks and bicycle paths slower and safer to use. In addition, city staff is seeking a $21.7 million federal grant through the Department of Transportation's Safe Streets for All grant program.