
New Members joining the Elks Herd

Arts and Entertainment

September 12, 2023

The Mission Viejo-Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge #2444 was proud to recently initiate 12 new Members into the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

This Lodge has been established since 1970 and serves children, Veterans and those in need throughout the entire Saddleback Valley.  The new initiates live in Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Coto de Caza, Irvine, Chino and of course, Mission Viejo. Since its inception, this Lodge has given back over $11 million dollars to the community of which it serves.  Elk's volunteerism is unmatched and the Elks look forward to its newest Members helping the cause.

The Mission Viejo-Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge #2444 is celebrating over 50 years of service to Saddleback Valley Communities. It is one of 8 lodges in the Orange Coast District of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) whose headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois. The BPOE is a charitable organization with a 152-year history of giving. "Elks Care Elks Share". For information regarding Elks programs or Elks membership, call 949 830-3557

Photo Credit: Rick Moscoso

Sitting L-R:  Lynette Holmes-Tiler, Dick Holmes-Asst. Inner Guard, Gina Vander Thee-Lecturing Knight, Mia Bergman-MV, Lori Greyson-Aliso Viejo, Donna Thompson-Laguna Woods, Linda Nilsen-Lake Forest, Charles Arnold-MV, August Calderon-MV, Victoria Johnson-Chaplain

Standing L-R:  Rich Encinas-Leading Knight, Jenny Buford-Esquire, Jerry Flores-Inner Guard, Kim Maestri-Assistant Tiler, Mark Paolella-Coto de Caza, Chris Eckman-Irvine, Anthony Minite-Chino, Tenisha Campanile-ER, Len Holt-Loyal Knight, Matt Sentell-Aliso Viejo, John Beaney-Lake Forest, Mike Fitch-MV, Doug Barr-MV, PDDGER-Norm Jones-Secretary, Andy Costello-Organist