
Newton Free Library News - November 2023

Schools and Libraries

November 2, 2023

From: Newton Free Library

This year, Newton Free Library was delighted to welcome so many more visitors into the Library - 33% more! With our new Children's Room back online, we hosted more programs and saw a staggering 87% increase in program attendance and watched books flying off the shelves in the Children's Room.  You were also busy at home enjoying the library on-the-go by borrowing 8% more ebooks and e-audiobooks. Thank you for securing our place as the busiest Library building in all of Minuteman Library Network! 

Read our FY23 annual report to learn more and discover the top circulated items this past year. A sincere thank you goes out to the City of Newton, our generous donors and supporters and the dedicated staff and volunteers who made this year’s services and improvements possible.

Coming Soon!

Minuteman Library Network is introducing a new library catalog

Minuteman's new catalog has better searching capabilities and includes many features to improve your catalog experience. 

Newton will adopt the new catalog in January but you may begin seeing the catalog linked sooner from other Minuteman Libraries.

Your account is already live in the new catalog, so you can start exploring its new layout and features (log in using your existing login and password). If you currently record your borrowing history in your library account, you will need to migrate that information to the new catalog before Spring 2023.  The Minuteman app will remain unchanged.

Changes to kanopy

Important changes are coming to kanopy’s current play credit system on November 1st. Instead of getting 6 play credits per month, you will now have 18 "tickets" per month. Some titles will use 1 credit, others more (usually for longer movies). Usage counting will change, but the

rest of the site will remain the same. More information about this change is available from the pop-up on the kanopy website and app.

Not familiar with this service? kanopy provides access to over 30,000 streaming videos, including The Great Courses, the Criterion Collection, PBS, the BBC, documentaries, foreign films, and many more. Titles are available instantly with no waitlist.

Di-November has come 'roar-ing' back to the Children's room for another month filled with "stomp-endous" dinosaur activities.

Come to one of our themed events or just stop by anytime to enjoy a scavenger hunt, measure your foot next to dinosaur footprints and take a quiz to find out which dinosaur you are. You can also participate from home by submitting your best dinosaur roar in our Dino Roar Contest. This year we will have dinosaur-themed collectors cards for participating in the different Di-November activities - see if you can collect them all!

Some Dino standout events:

Dino Coloring Day  - 11/7 at 4pm

Fun With Fossils - 11/13 at 4pm

Sensational Play: Dino Edition - 11/20 at 10:30am

Poop Museum - 11/30 at 4pm