
Nomination Papers for 2023 Local Election Now Available

Government and Politics

January 12, 2023

From: Town of West Newbury

Last day to obtain nomination papers is March 9, 2023

2023 Annual Town Election is on Monday, May 1, 2023

Nomination papers for the local Town Election are now available in the Town Clerk's Office 381 Main St. West Newbury

Positions on the ballot this year are as follows:

Select Board (one seat for three year term)

School Committee (one seat for three year term)

Assessors (one seat for three year term)

Board of Health (one seat for three year term)  

Planning Board (one seat for five year term)

Trustees of the Public Library (three seats for three year terms)

Park and Recreation Commissioner (one seat for three year term)

Park and Recreation Commissioner (one seat for two year term)

Water Commissioners (one seat for three year term)

Water Commissioners (one seat for two year term)

Constable (one seat for three year term)

If you have any questions about the positions or the Town Election please feel free to contact the Town Clerk's Office by email [email protected] or phone 978-363-1100 x.110 

If you would like to request a vote-by-mail ballot, fill out this document and return it to the Town Clerk's Office 381 Main St. West Newbury, MA.

A detailed list of date and time deadlines can be found through the following link:   


To request a vote-by-mail ballot click the following link and return it to the Town Clerk's Office


Click Here for more information.