
Osceola Library System - Hello April! It's National Poetry Month

Schools and Libraries

March 31, 2023

From: Hart Memorial Central Library

April is National Poetry Month!

Write a poem, read a poem, or attend a special Library program to get in touch with your creative side and play with the beauty and power of words this month. Be on the lookout for special Poetry Month events going on at your local branch!

The Florida Licensing on Wheels (FLOW) Bus

is coming to The Library!

Take advantage of the convenience of DMV services at the Library! Florida Licensing on Wheels (FLOW), offered by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, will be on-site to provide essential services to take care of your licensing needs. Appointments are not required. 
Download a list of required documents to bring with you at: bit.ly/FLHSMV1
For a list of FLOW services and additional information, visit https://www.flhsmv.gov/locations/florida-licensing-wheels-flow/

What's Happening at the Library?

Hart Memorial Library

American Sign Language

for Beginners

Monday, April 3 and 10, 6:30pm 

A beginner course in American Sign Language presented by ASL Services. Acquire the basics useful in communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in your community. These ASL classes are taught by Deaf instructors; students will learn to carry on an everyday conversation with Deaf individuals. Role playing and games designed to teach basic signs are used as tools. By the end of class some of the skills you will learn are: manual alphabet, numbers, introducing yourself, facial expressions, talking about family, and more. Registration required.

Click Here To View The Osceola Library System - Hello April! It's National Poetry Month