
Pajaro Valley Shelter Services Self-Sufficient Families News - October 2022

Clubs and Organizations

October 31, 2022

From: Pajaro Valley Shelter Services

Self-Sufficient Families

The return of Shelter to Home was a lovely evening of community, inspiration and commitment! Mike Johnson shared our programmatic impact over the last few years, Carol Schmidt took us on a walk down memory lane, Monique Jaquez revealed her powerful journey filled with resilience and hope, and Rod Caborn kept us all focused on our Giving Moment. It is with humble hearts that we offer our deepest gratitude for the outpouring of generosity that evening. Thank you to all involved!

Generational Impact: Finding Hope and Stability

Join the Match!
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union's  
It’s time to join the match! For every dollar you donate to our organization through SCCCU’s RETURN THE FAVOR Giving Campaign, the Credit Union will match your gift up to $5,000. Don’t delay. The campaign ends on 11/30/2022. Donate today!


Freedom Rotary's
Uncork Corralitos is Sell-Out Success!

Thank you, Freedom Rotary for designating PVSS as the recipient for the proceeds of the successful Uncork Corralitos! These proceeds will fund a new play structure in a courtyard surrounded by PVSS properties. In addition, the Rotarians will provide the muscle to install the play structure next month!

Thank You
K&D Landscaping!
Thank you for donating your time, equipment, and expertise in preparing our new playground site.

Our Mission

PVSS provides families with a path to stable, self-sufficient futures through short- and longer-term housing and supportive services.

Our Vision

We envision a community where families have safe, secure, and stable housing with sufficient resources and space to plan for their futures and pursue happiness.

Our Values

Self-Empowerment, Dignity, and Compassion

Make a Gift!