
PMA and Dovetail Design Strategists Announce International Design

Arts and Entertainment

June 2, 2022

From: Portland Museum of Art

The Portland Museum of Art, together with the leading independent architect selection firm Dovetail Design Strategists, announced today the launch of an international design competition for its campus unification and expansion.

The unique competition challenges the global architecture community to create an iconic and inclusive place that will deliver on the promise of the PMA’s mission, Art for All. The open competition will be conducted in two stages and the winning team and their concept design will be announced in December 2022.

The PMA sees this as an opportunity to discover the impact a museum can have when it is built through an inclusive lens. The need for expansion and unification at the museum stems from record attendance over the past decade, the growth and diversification of the collection through several major gifts, as well community feedback identifying how the PMA must remain flexible and dynamic. By creating a community hub and focusing on groundbreaking approaches to art, the PMA believes it can become a place where all people belong. More than just a new building, the PMA’s campus unification and expansion is a value proposition, envisioning the monumental impact museums can have on their communities.

Click Here To View PMA and Dovetail Design Strategists Announce International Design