
Polis Proposed Budget Should Frighten Hardworking Coloradans

Government and Politics

November 1, 2022

Polis Proposed Budget Should Frighten Hardworking Coloradans

Greenwood Village, CO — Below is Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Heidi Ganahl’s reaction to Jared Polis’ budget proposal.

“This budget should frighten all Colorado families who are struggling to make ends meet in the face of an impending recession. At the same time that Jared Polis acknowledged the very real economic uncertainty that our state faces, he proposed a budget that is 7% larger than last year. You never hear Polis talk about cutting spending. When will enough be enough? Did Coloradans struggling to make ends meet see a 7% increase in their budgets? More government spending makes me even more curious about what is not being spent wisely in the first place.

This budget is just another election year campaign stunt. Yet another mention of prioritizing TABOR, which he tried to kill. Yet another attempt to buy votes by floating the idea of continuing temporary relief of his own fees. Yet another attempt to fix the very problems he created, like crime. Polis created Colorado’s crime wave with policies that coddle criminals, and now he’s proposing a lame financial fix that won’t come close to fixing our problem.

When I win the election, I look forward to an outside audit of our state’s spending and submitting my amendments to this budget that will actually cut spending and hold our government accountable for how it spends our tax dollars,” said Ganahl.