
Remote Area Medical - RAM Hosting Pop-up Clinics In Santa Rosa County

Health and Fitness

October 4, 2023

Remote Area Medical (RAM) ® is hosting pop-up clinics on Sat., Dec. 2 and Sun., Dec. 3, at Milton High School, 5445 Stewart St. in Milton. RAM is coming to the area to provide services and treat as many patients as possible during this clinic. In preparation, the RAM host team is seeking volunteers and donations to help make this event as successful as possible. RAM will utilize an estimated 150 to 200 volunteers and ask for the community's support to deliver free high-quality care to patients in need. To learn more about RAM and how to get involved, visit www.RAMUSA.org or 865-579-1530.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for interested businesses. Please contact Katrina Snider at [email protected] or 850-225-9984.