
Taxation Aid - Deadline To Submit Application Extended To November 7th

Government and Politics

October 31, 2022

From: Town Of Plainville

At the committee meeting held on Monday October 24, the Taxation Aid Committee voted unanimously to extend the application deadline to November 7, 2022. Applications for grants from the Plainville Elderly & Disabled Taxation Aid Fund are available for pickup at the Senior Center, Assessor’s Office, and Treasurer’s Office in Town Hall and with the Veteran’s Affairs agent. 

Tax Aid grants are made from a program funded solely by donations from generous residents, businesses, community groups, churches, and friends who can help those in need. Last year, the committee awarded 11 tax grants, totaling $5,500

You may qualify for assistance if you are 65 years or older or disabled, have owned and occupied your property on July 1, 2022, and meet other criteria that can be found on the committee’s website. 

Residents should let relatives and neighbors know about this program if they think they might meet the guidelines. All personal information will remain confidential.

For more information or to download an application, please visit the Town of Plainville website @www.plainville.ma.us/taxation-aid-committee

Donations to the fund are appreciated and can be mailed or dropped off directly at the Treasurer’s office at Town Hall.