
The Kravits Family and Bill Lewis Exhibitions at the Adams County Arts Council

Arts and Entertainment

July 5, 2023

From: Adams County Arts Council

The Adams County Arts Council will feature the opening exhibitions of the Kravits Family and Bill Lewis on Friday, July 7, from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at the ACAC’s Arts Education Center, 125 S. Washington Street, Gettysburg.  The reception is free and open to the public.

Feeling the Colors, a collection of 2D and 3D artworks created by three generations of the Kravits family, features a wide range of styles and mediums to include, acrylics, oils, watercolors, pastels, foam sculptures, mixed media, photography, and jewelry.  Paula Kravits, coordinator of this show, says,” This exhibit reflects the creative process that has happened over the last fifty years by our extended family.  When our children were small, we were involved in community theater which exposed them to music, theater, and dance.  As their lives and careers developed, they continued to immerse themselves and their children in the arts, and we had the pleasure of enjoying the artistic creations of our nine grandchildren. This collection of work represents the love of the arts shared by our family.”  
Bill Lewis is featuring a collection of his printed drawings and illustrations in the gallery during the month of July.  His studies in art began as a student studying painting and drawing at UCLA in the early ‘60s, and then studying sculpture for many years under John McCracken, also at UCLA. Under McCracken’s mentorship, I participated as a very minor member of the minimalist school of sculpture in Los Angeles in the mid- ‘60s. During this period, he pursued his interest in drawing. He found seasonal employment as an assistant layout animation artist and worked for several years on the Saturday morning cartoon shows Superman, Batman, Archie and Fantastic Voyage.   

Currently, the subjects of his drawings are people and animals, and his focus is often to try to capture the humorous and/or interesting twists of human nature. He works most frequently with colored pencil and AD marker in my drawings, with small additions of pastels and acrylics.

For more information about the Kravits Family exhibition and Bill Lewis exhibition and other upcoming Arts Council exhibitions, events, or art classes at the Arts Council’s Arts Education Center, visit www.adamsarts.org or call (717) 334-5006.

The Adams County Arts Council’s mission is to cultivate an arts-rich community.