
"There is Another Way" - Trudy Busch Valentine Endorsed by Kansas City Star Editorial Board

Government and Politics

October 30, 2022

St. Louis — Today, the Kansas City Star Editorial Board endorsed nurse, mother, and fourth-generation Missourian Trudy Busch Valentine for U.S. Senate ahead of the November 8th election.

The editorial board wrote: “Valentine’s bipartisan approach stands in frightening contrast to Schmitt, whose campaign and service as attorney general embarrasses the state on a daily basis. Schmitt has waged nonstop culture wars in Missouri. He’s fought costly battles against sensible COVID-19 restrictions, putting Missouri lives at risk. He’s filed countless frivolous, unsuccessful lawsuits — against China, immigration, on state tax cuts, student loan forgiveness and others. He seems more interested in Fox News appearances than serving the people who pay his salary….There is another way. Missourians can send Trudy Busch Valentine to the U.S. Senate, and we urge them to do so.”

“I am grateful to receive the endorsement of the Kansas City Star Editorial Board,” said Trudy Busch Valentine. “My opponent has ducked debates, refuses to do interviews with local press, and continues to try and hide his extreme record from voters. Missourians have a clear choice this November: A career politician who helped sell out our farms to foreign interests like Communist China and stripped millions of women of their freedom to make their own private healthcare decisions or a nurse and mom dedicated to Missouri’s future. In the Senate, I’ll be nobody’s Senator but yours.”