
Tifton-Tift County Public Library Newsletter: June 13– June 18, 2022

Schools and Libraries

June 13, 2022

From: Tifton - Tift County Public Library

Prize Patrol

Have you heard about our Prize Patrol? It’s new this summer! When you register your children for Summer Reading, one of the questions is: “Would you like to participate in Prize Patrol?” Be sure to answer yes because that means every week we will tally your baby shark’s reading progress and if they are the one that has read the most books for that week, they will get a visit from our outreach team (dressed like this), a lawn sign, a giant prize pack, and a feature on our social media! (Fine print: you need to have your baby shark’s reading log checked every week, by the children’s department, no later than 7 PM each Tuesday. We will call you on Wednesday to make arrangements for your child’s visit!) We can’t wait to see if your baby shark is one of our weekly top readers! ?

As an aside: Our children’s person loves dressing up as a shark, but she also looks like a giant squeaky toy, so please make sure your animals are contained prior to our visit!

Ocean Wave Art

Artists of all ages can make a wave on Monday, June 13th at 10 AM.


Assorted gaming activities will be available all summer long Monday–Friday at 4 PM for ages 8–18. There will be board games, group console games, and retro computer games. Some days are special: Wednesdays are retro game day and Thursdays will offer game programming in Scratch.

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