
Time Capsule Submissions Due May 31!

Schools and Libraries

May 26, 2022

From: James Blackstone Memorial Library

Share a story or a picture (or both) for our 25-year time capsule!

What is a typical day like in Branford? Do you have a fun story about the Blackstone Library? We want to hear from you!

This is your chance to capture a slice of life today and share it with Branford residents 25 years from now. Give them the gift of a peek into the past!

In addition to your stories and pictures, we're filling our time capsule with library cards, calendars, and other memorabilia from this time period.

The time capsule will be sealed at the Blackstone's 125th Birthday Bash and will be on display in the library before being stored in a climate-controlled part of the library. The capsule will be opened in 2046, for the Blackstone's 150th anniversary.

The Blackstone Library first opened its doors on June 17, 1896. Since then, the library has been proudly serving the Branford community, promoting and preserving free access to information and lifelong learning for all.

Everyone in the community is invited to submit a story and picture, including residents of all ages, community groups, service organizations, and businesses.

We’ve created an online form with some question prompts that are designed to capture a slice of life in Branford and at the Blackstone Library. You can also email a story or picture to [email protected] . Paper prompt forms are also available at the library.

However you choose to submit your story or picture, get them in soon! We've extended the deadline to accept submissions through May 31, an we can't wait to see what you submit!