
Town of Littleton Launches 'Safe Return' Program to Support Cognitively Impaired Residents and Their Caregivers

Government and Politics

August 18, 2022

From: Town Of Littleton

Town of Littleton Launches 'Safe Return' Program to Support Cognitively Impaired Residents and Their Caregivers
Town Administrator Anthony M. Ansaldi Jr. is pleased to share that multiple town departments are collaborating to launch the Littleton Safe Return program to expedite the emergency
response in the event a person with cognitive disabilities goes missing.

The Littleton Police and Fire Departments and Littleton Department of Elder and Human Services have partnered to launch the Safe Return program. Through the program, members of the community are
invited and encouraged to complete a short form that will give first responders the essential information they need to respond when an individual is reported missing.

"I want to thank Chief Pinard, Fire Chief Robert Connor and Elder and Human Services Director Liz Tretiak for collaborating and making this program a reality," Town Administrator Ansaldi said.

"Time is of the essence when a person experiencing cognitive impairments goes missing, and I'm hopeful that Littleton's Safe Return Program will help to quickly and safely reunite families."

Caregivers may provide an individual's name, a list of places where they may most likely be found, as well as background information that will help first responders approach and engage the individual once they are located.

"This program enables us to efficiently and effectively respond when a member of our community who is living with cognitive disabilities is not where they should be," Police Chief Matthew Pinard
said. "By taking the time now to enroll, families can help ensure our officers have the information they would need to search for a missing loved one."

Residents with loved ones living with Alzheimer's, other forms of dementia, or developmental delays can download the SAFE RETURN FORM HERE, complete it and return it to the Littleton Police Department, 500 Great Road.