
Town Of Plainville - Select Board Considers South Street Reconstruction Plans

Government and Politics

September 14, 2022

From: Town Of Plainville

From Sharlene Lane to Everett Street

At the regular Select Board meeting of September 12th, the Board reviewed the 25% plan for the reconstruction of South Street from Sharlene to Everett.  Attached is the plan presented by Engineer Chris Roy of Beta Engineering.

The plan presented several options, including various street layouts for lanes and sidewalks as well as undergrounding the utility wires.  The Board rejected the proposal for undergrounding the utility wires as being cost-prohibitive as part of the full plan.   The Board also expressed concerns regarding the reduction in on-street parking in the business district and the impact of using the entire 60-foot width of the road layout, and the resulting impact on residents and businesses.    While several options were discussed in the plan, the Board has requested Beta to return with an alternative(s) that include more parking options and less use of the full road layout. 

The project is slated for the 2026 State Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) funding, but the Board is unwilling to proceed with the current proposal.

