
Umatilla County Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 24, 2023

From: Umatilla County Fair

Theme: Watch Us Grow!

Schedule of Events:

Pre-Fair Schedule:

June 16, 2023:

5:00 P.M: FFA entry deadline. See your Ag Advisor to register.

June 24, 2023:

8:00 A.M: 4-H Horse Show Showmanship, Equitation, Pleasure & Trail-WW Arena (Milton-Freewater)

June 25, 2023:

8:00 A.M: 4-H Horse Show Dressage & Gaming-WW Arena (Milton-Freewater)

July 14, 2023:

11:59 P.M: 4-H online entries due. See 4-H General Rules for details.


8:00 A.M: 4-H Archery Safety Meeting - HAREC
8:30 A.M: 4-H Archery Contest begins

July 18, 2023:

5:00 P.M: 4-H Pistol Safety Meeting - Pendleton Police Dept. Gun Range
5:30 P.M: 4-H Pistol Contest begins
6:00 P.M: 4-H Shotgun Contest - Hermiston Gun Club

July 22, 2023:

8:00 A.M: 4-H and FFA Exhibitor SET-UP DAY- Fairgrounds

July 25, 2023:

5:00 P.M: 4-H Rifle/Air Rifle Safety Meeting - Pendleton Police Dept. Gun Range
5:30 P.M: 4-H Rifle/Air Rifle Contest Begins

July 26, 2023:

8:30 A.M: 4-H Dog Show Registration - EOTEC Event Center
9:00 A.M: 4-H Dog Show - EOTEC Event Center

August 1, 2023:

9:00 A.M: 4-H Fashion Revue Contest - EOTEC Event Center
9:00 A.M: 4-H Cloverbuds Fashion Revue Workshop*- EOTEC Event Center
*Must participate to be eligible for the public Fashion Revue held THURSDAY, August 10th at UCF*

August 5, 2023:

8:00 A.M: UCF-Exhibitor Camping Move-In (unless previously scheduled for a different day/time by UCF camping Director)
6:30 P.M: 2023 Umatilla County Fair Kick-Off Parade Theme-WATCH US GROW! Brought to you by Banner Bank


8:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M: Receive Open Class Exhibits:  Horticulture, Arts, Home-Ec, Creative Kids-EOTEC Event Center
8:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M: Receive FFA Land Produce and Ag Mechanics- EOTEC Event Center
*(Open Class Exhibitors Can Purchase Discounted Season Passes with the Pink Copy of Entry Tag) @ Ticket Window
1:00 P.M - 5:00 P.M: Receive 4-H static exhibits (Communications, Expressive Arts, FCS, Horticulture, STEM, Industrial Arts, Natural Science and Cloverbud)- EOTEC Event Center

August 7, 2023: (UCF Livestock Received - Enter from S. Ott Rd.)

All Day until 7:00pm: Hay King Entries Received
7:00 A.M - 12 Noon & 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M: Receive All Livestock and Small Animals; Weigh Market Animals: SCALES CLOSED Noon to – 5:00 p.m.
8:00 A.M. until finished: Open Class Static and 4-H Static Exhibits Judged-(Event Center Closed for Judging)
1:00 P.M - 4:00 P.M: 4-H FCS Judging Contest – Event Center Kitchen

August 8, 2023:

There will be no walking access through the middle of the fairgrounds and no access to carnival or vendors as the fair does not officially open until Wednesday.

7:30 A.M: Livestock Exhibitors Meeting-Burns Pavilion
8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest-Burns Pavilion
10:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M: 4-H Food Preparation Contest - Event Center Kitchen
11:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Market Swine Photos Taken for Buyer placards - Swine Barn
2:00 P.M - 3:00 P.M: 4-H Junior Table Setting Contest- EOTEC Event Center
3:00 P.M - 4:00 P.M: 4-H Intermediate & Senior Table Setting- EOTEC Event Center
4:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Dairy Judging Contest - Burns Pavilion
5:00 P.M: 4-H & FFA Kick-Off BBQ Hosted by the Umatilla County FFA Alumni Groups-Burns Pavilion

Fair Schedule:

August 9, 2023:

Free Children’s Admission (ages 10 & under) Sponsored by The City of Hermiston
(All Grand & Reserve Champion Market Animal selections will begin at 6:00 PM)
(Official Start of the Farm City Pro-Rodeo)

7:30 A.M: Livestock Exhibitors Meeting - Burns Pavilion
8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Swine Market Hog Conformation Show (followed by feeders)--Swine Barn
8:30 A.M: 4-H/FFA & Open Class Small Animal Show -Small Animal Barn
9:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Market Steer Show (followed by feeders) - Burns Pavilion
10:00 A.M: Umatilla County Fair Main gates open to the public
10:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M: 4-H Food Preparation Contest-Event Center Kitchen
10:00 A.M - 6:00 P.M: 4-H Presentation Contest-Event Center
12:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Breeding Stock Goats (Followed by Open Class Goats)- Burns Pavilion
12:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Market Lamb Show (followed by feeders) Followed by Market Goat Show - Burns Pavilion
2:00 P.M - 11:00 P.M: Carnival Opens-Davis Shows NW
3:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Small Animal Judging Contest - Small Animal Barn
6:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Grand Champion Market Animal Selection -All Species - Burns Pavilion
7:45 P.M: Farm City Pro Rodeo begins
9:00 P.M: Warren Zeiders- Wildhorse Resort & Casino Main Stage

August 10, 2023:

Umatilla County Commissioners’ Day | Free Children’s Admission (ages 10 & Under) Sponsored by HYDROMANIA!

7:00 A.M - 10:00 A.M: Receive Jackpot Lambs - Burns Pavilion
7:30 A.M: Livestock Exhibitors Meeting - Burns Pavilion
8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Swine Showmanship-Swine Barn
8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Beef Showmanship, immediately followed by Dairy Cattle Showmanship- Burns Pavilion
8:30 A.M: 4-H/FFA Small Animal Showmanship-Small Animal Barn
10:00 A.M: Umatilla County Fair Main gates open to the public
10:00 A.M: 4-H Food Preparation Contest (if needed)-Event Center Kitchen
10:00 A.M: 4-H Food Presentation Contest (if needed)-Event Center Kitchen
12:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Goat Showmanship-Burns Pavilion
12:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Sheep Showmanship-Burns Pavilion
1:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Small Animal Master Showmanship-Small Animal Barn
2:00 P.M - Close: Carnival Opens-Davis Shows NW
6:30 P.M: 4-H Public Fashion Revue – Les Schwab Stage
7:00 P.M: Bonney’s Ag & Auto Children’s Tractor Pull ages 4-11 – Bonney’s Ag & Auto Booth
7:45 P.M: Farm City Pro Rodeo begins
9:00 P.M: Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC Tribute | Wildhorse Resort & Casino Main Stage
(All seats free with price of admission for this concert, FREE RAFFLE TICKETS handed out @ concert! HUGE prizes! Must be present to win).

August 11, 2023:

Free Children’s Admission (ages 10 & under) Sponsored by Lamb Weston!

7:30 A.M: Livestock Exhibitors Meeting - Burns Pavilion
8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Dairy Cattle Show, immediately followed by Open Class Dairy Cattle, followed by:
4-H/FFA Breeding Stock Cattle, followed by Open Class Beef Cattle - Burns Pavilion
10:00 A.M: Umatilla County Fair Main gates open to the public
12:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Breeding Stock Sheep Show followed Open Class Sheep Conformation followed by Jackpot Lamb Contest-Burns Pavilion
2:00 P.M - Close: Carnival Opens-Davis Shows NW
3:00 P.M: Fun @ the Fair Day Camp Performance-Les Schwab Stage
6:00 P.M: 4-H/FFA Master Showmanship- Burns Pavilion
7:45 P.M: Farm City Pro Rodeo begins
9:00 P.M: Joe Nichols-Wildhorse Resort & Casino Main Stage

August 12, 2023:

Wildhorse Resort & Casino Night
Free Children’s Admission (ages 10 & Under)
Sponsored by: Roger’s Toyota of Hermiston!

8:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Awards Program -Burns Pavilion                                   
10:00 A.M: Umatilla County Fair Main gates open to the public
10:00 A.M: 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Auction - Burns Pavilion
10:00 A.M - 2:00 P.M: Open Class Premium Pay-outs -UCF BOX OFFICE WINDOW (Event Center Lobby)
11:00 A.M: Cutest Baby Contest brought to you by KOHU & The Q- Les Schwab Stage (www.gohermiston.com)
12:00 P.M - Close: Carnival Opens - Davis Shows NW
2:00 P.M: Walchli Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest - Les Schwab Stage
7:45 P.M: Farm City Pro Rodeo begins
7:30 P.M: Banda Los Sebastianes, Alfa 7, y mas! Wildhorse Resort & Casino Main Stage

August 13, 2023:

Fairgrounds Closes at 12:00 Noon. No Access After Noon.

7:00 A.M - 10:00 A.M: Livestock Exhibits Released
8:00 A.M - 11:00 A.M: 4-H Exhibits Released - Event Center
8:00 A.M - 12 Noon: Open Class Premium Payouts - ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE PICKED UP FROM THE EVENT CENTER

Dates: August 9 - 12, 2023


Umatilla County Fairgrounds,
1705 East Airport Road,
Hermiston, OR 97838.

Click here for more information