
United Way of Greater Nashua News - November 21, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

November 25, 2023

From: United Way of Greater Nashua


United Way of Greater Nashua (UWGN) celebrates all that you and the hundreds of other volunteers, advocates, and donors do everyday to progress the mission of UWGN to promote a higher quality of life in our communities. We are grateful you have joined the fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in the community. We couldn't do what we do without you.

The United Way of Greater Nashua Staff

President’s Message

Happy Holidays from your friends at United Way. It has been one heck of a year, I’m sure you’ll agree.

At United Way we have had so much on our plates, and we are – in fact -- grateful for that. We’ve had successful days of caring, including a Community Baby Shower, a shoebox project to support at risk seniors, a distribution of beautiful flowers to homeless moms on Mother’s Day, food and school supplies drives, and a gleaning event which produced thousands of pounds of apples for our local pantries.

We’ve also had some great fundraisers, including not just our traditional Over the Edge and Sleepout events, but also this past month our very first ever “CARE-E-OKE” event at the Nashua Center for the Arts. That evening was so much fun, with 15 different competitors doing karaoke on stage in front of several hundred participants and being judged by celebrities including Mayor Donchess, the Editors of the Telegraph and the Union Leader, and football legend Kendall Reyes.

And we continue to do a large number of regularly scheduled events, including weekly pop-up food pantries, bi-weekly food drives, volunteer driven school tutoring, Rosie’s Pantry to help end “period poverty,” and deliveries of food to homebound pantry clients. With all of this, we remain hopeful for the future of Greater Nashua. We are encouraged by community support and the ever-present commitment of our volunteers, donors, and sponsors. All of them exemplifying our credo that Great things happen when we LIVE UNITED.

24 Hours of Greater Nashua Greatness

Join Mike this Sunday from 5:00pm to Monday at 5:00pm while he interviews ~40 groups/people on a range of topics about the Greatness of Greater Nashua in the Second Annual 24-Hours of Greater Nashua Greatness Radio-A-Thon.

Mike will do his best impression of Jerry Lewis (iykyk) as he learns about and discusses interesting programs that support local people, learns from local politicians on what they are hoping to accomplish this political season, and more. Tune in on 1590AM or 95.3FM anytime or the whole time from Sunday to Monday.

Click here for More Information About United Way of Greater Nashua News - November 21, 2023