
United Way Sleepout Is Coming Up On September 22, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

September 8, 2023

From: United Way of Greater Nashua

United Way Sleepout to End Homelessness Youth Groups and Families are Welcome!

Each year on a chilly fall evening, dozens of Greater Nashua area residents come together to sleep outside with the common purpose of raising money to support our community’s fight against hunger and homelessness at our “United We Sleep” community sleepout. This year’s event will take place on Nashua Community College’s front lawn starting at 5pm on Friday, September 22nd. We are inviting all to attend and would love to have a great representation from Youth Groups and Youth Leaders!
The event will feature a simple community meal and presentations by speakers working in the areas such as youth homelessness and mental health counselling, welfare supports and homeless outreach, and services for at-risk adults and the elderly. Following the meal and presentations, attendees participate in activities to deepen their learning. The evening is wrapped up by individual reflection and sleeping in the open with limited comforts.

We are looking for Youth Groups and Young Leaders to join this informational and experiential event so it may inform them on the poverty needs in our community for years to come. The Youth Leaders are able to stay for the educational evening only or sleepout with us. There is an expectation that each Youth Leader raise $250+ to contribute to the cause. Any person under 18 requires a responsible adult to be present. It can be a troop leader, pastor, teacher, or family-member for a specific group of young people. This event is a service to the community and counts as volunteer hours. While “United We Sleep” is ideal for young people and adults who want to learn more about advocating for those experiencing homelessness, it is not appropriate for small children.

In the past 7 years, this event has raised over $400K to fund programs in our community which fight to break the cycle of poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Taken together, these programs are the backbone in our community to create access to the building blocks of a good life: health, education, and financial stability. What do you need to do to get started with your youth team? Email [email protected]  to register with Mike so each youth and adult are noted. Find out more and register by clicking the button below.

Register Here

Skydive United Was a Success!

$35,000 was raised by 20 Brave Skydivers in late August. The funds are specifically for the Youth Homelessness Fund. This and all of our events would not be possible without the support of these amazing sponsors! Especially, shout outs to Nashua PD, Nashua Fire Rescue, St. Joseph Hospital, and Bar Harbor Bank and Trust for your support for this annual tradition!